
4 Pillars of Wellbeing

Formation accréditée OPQ - 5 hrs - RA04572-22

Lieux et dates


18, 25, octobre, 1er et 8 novembre 2022 de 12h30 à 13h45


Problem: As we are learning to live with COVID, clinicians’ experiences cannot be simply put in the past without a means to process what happened and find ways to cope effectively with the pandemic’s aftermath.

Need: Prevent or treat moral distress and/or burnout.


  1. Understand why awareness, connection, insight, and purpose are key components of wellbeing.
  2. Clarify how the pandemic was traumatic for professionals, and patients.
  3. Find new ways to connect to the self and others so that one is congruent in communication.
  4. Identify values and purpose for their own work.
  5. Develop skills to cope with the aftermath of the pandemic.

Méthodes Pédagogiques

The Four Pillars Workshop includes mini-lectures, experiential learning, exchanges among a mix of clinicians from different institutions and years of experience. Some reading materials will be provided. Pre- and post self assessment of burnout and work satisfaction (see below).

Pillar 1= Awareness
How to become more aware in the present moment, why self-awareness is critical to excellent clinical practice, how to be responsive, rather than reactive, and informal awareness practices will be covered in the first part of the workshop. Online breakout groups will be used to encourage exchanges; in person, participants will work in dyads or small groups. Videos pertinent to the topic will be shown in both formats.

Pillar 2 = Connection
Connection to the self and others will be highlighted using various exercises, such as Narrative Medicine. Again, participants will work in dyads or small groups to exchange what they write and learn. Close listening will be encouraged – like offering presence to patients during an encounter. Mindful movement exercises will help participants connect to their own bodies as well as a “taking the pulse” at the beginning of the session.

Pillar 3 = Insight
Trauma-informed care will be the topic for insight – given the collective trauma experienced by health care professionals during the pandemic and others in the population. Some didactic teaching about trauma will address the psychological and physiological impacts of living with the fear of becoming infected with COVID-19 or exposure to suffering of patients in ICUs and those who died without family at their bedsides. Examples of trauma-informed care will be used. Appreciative Inquiry techniques will be used to help participants identify what they did well, under difficult work conditions. A Loving Kindness Meditation will be introduced.

Pillar 4 = Purpose
Perhaps the most important aspect of being a physician or researcher is finding meaning in one’s work. For clinicians this was obvious when they began medical school, but it may have been lost in the hustle-bustle of medical practice. Three exercises will invite participants to rediscover how and why they can overcome hurtles, such as fear of contagion during the pandemic. They will list what makes life meaningful, a second exercise involves writing, “If you had one-year to live.” The final exercise invites writing a brief personal mission statement.

Sujets de l'activité

Human development, clinician resilience


Date(s) de la formation :

Les mardis 18, 25 octobre, 1er et 8 novembre de 12h30 à 13h45 EST (4 rencontre de 75 minutes)

Adresse :

  • Webinaire
  • Webinaire,

*Les activités de formation continue reconnues par l’Ordre des psychologues (OPQ) sont souvent ouvertes à différents intervenants en santé mentale. L’IFTCC rappelle que la pratique de certaines activités (comme la psychothérapie et l’évaluation des troubles mentaux ou neuropsychologiques), est réservée à certains membres d’ordres professionnels. En suivant une activité de formation continue reconnue par l’OPQ, le participant doit s’assurer qu’il ne met pas en pratique des activités pour lesquelles il n’est pas habilité par la loi.